The Statutes of the Association

The Association for the Heat Treatment of Metals (hereafter the “Association”) is an independent non-political trade organisation and a voluntary affiliation of private individuals and companies. The Association is based in Prague. The Association is an independent legal entity. The mission of the Association is to provide a purposeful link between trade interests in the heat treatment of metals and the interests of society as a whole, to promote development in the heat treatment of materials, and to increase the professional standard of the field as a whole. The activities of the Association take the following forms: technical seminars, the organisation of trade conferences, lectures, and training to improve professional standards. The Association also publishes a bulletin featuring wide-ranging information about the field. Every member of the Association has the right of publication in this bulletin. The Association establishes and maintains organisational and professional contacts with similar trade associations abroad, in particular with the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering. Any organisation whose activity is compatible with the mission of the Association and the legal code of the Czech Republic may be a member of the Association.

The Executive Committee is the highest organisational body of the Association. The number of members of the Executive Committee is determined by the Congress.

The President and Vice-president are official representatives of the Association.

The Executive Secretary of the Association is an official representative of the Association and organises and guides the activity of the Executive Committee. The position of Executive Secretary is a paid post.

The Auditing Committee of the Association is an inspection and auditing body that inspects, first and foremost, the observation of universally binding legal regulations and the statutes of the Association.

The Congress of the Association is the highest body of the Association. It is convened by the President or Executive Secretary following agreement with the Executive Committee at least once every two years.

The economic management of the Association is subject to a budget that is approved by the Executive Committee for a period of one calendar year. The income of the Association is made up of membership contributions, income from the professional activities of the Association, subsidies, grants, and donations from external entities. Membership contributions and the method of their collection are determined by the Congress. The President, Vice-president and Executive Secretary of the Association, and other members of the Association accredited by the Executive Committee, are authorised to act in the name of the Association. The statutes may be amended only by means of a resolution taken by the Congress of the Association. Any ruling on the termination of the Association and property settlement will be taken by the Congress of the Association by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of the delegates present.